Grade & Homework
What is Family Access?
● Family Access is a password-protected site that provides both parents and students access to course grades, homework, attendance, and other data.
How to Sign Up:
● You may pick up information regarding Family Access in the office.
● When picking up your information at the school, you will complete a form, show your ID and provide a current email address.
● If you have children attending more than one Spring Branch school, you will only need to go to one campus.
● Students in grades 1-5 will receive a progress report and report card every nine weeks.
● Students in Kindergarten will begin receiving a report card at the second nine weeks grading period.
● Students will be recognized for their academic achievements at the end of each nine weeks.
● All A Honor Roll consists of all As in all subjects, including each component under Language Arts except for handwriting.
● A/B Honor Roll consists of As and no more than two Bs in any subject except handwriting.
● Students receiving an Honor Roll recognition must also maintain an E or S in conduct as well as Art, Music, and Health Fitness.
Homework is an out-of-classroom learning experience assigned by a teacher to enhance student learning.
All students are expected to complete their assigned homework.
● Homework should be a review of previously taught skills and intended for the child to complete independently.
● Teachers shall assign homework that is aligned with the SBISD homework policy.
● Teachers shall communicate their practices regarding homework to each student’s parent/guardian at the beginning of the school year.
● If your child is experiencing problems with homework, please consult your child’s teacher.
State adopted textbooks are provided by the district. Any book that is checked out to a student and becomes damaged or lost must be paid for by the student.