Student Behavior
At Terrace, we have school wide expectations, procedures, and routines. We use Love and Logic and Project Class to assist with behavior and campus discipline. We also abide by the SBISD Student Code of Conduct.
Maintaining good discipline and classroom management is necessary to establish a school climate where children feel safe and learning can occur. A good classroom management program can help students to become good decision makers, problem solvers and responsible citizens.
Teachers are expected to effectively manage student behavior in classrooms and all other campus locations. A sense of ownership for all students will foster the expectation that all students must respect and respond to all staff members.
We also understand that each student is a unique individual with unique personal, social, and educational needs. As a result, every discipline situation is unique in nature. Consequences for misbehavior provide the best learning value when matched to the unique student and situation. We dedicate ourselves to following a set of core beliefs that provide a guide for dealing with student discipline. These core beliefs guide our attempts to individualize disciplinary actions and to help students see reasonable connections between their behavior and the resulting consequences.
Our Core Beliefs:
● We believe that every attempt should be made to maintain the dignity of both the adult and the student.
● We believe that students should be guided and expected to solve the problems they create without making problems for anyone else.
● We believe that there should be a logical connection between misbehavior and resulting consequences.
School Wide Expectations: Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful
Preventions and Approaches
Proactive steps will be taken to promote a positive learning environment. Teachings will also include appropriate social skills, character traits, and community building activities.
To do this, Terrace has adopted Project Class. The Project Class curriculum helps children learn and use the following six social skills:
● Follow Instructions
● Pay Attention
● Ask Permission
● Get the Teacher’s Attention
● Accept No
● Accept Feedback.
Teachers and staff are expected to teach and reinforce these skills in a consistent manner starting on the first day of school. It is a school wide implementation. The curriculum also includes tips to help students calm down, use kind words, wait patiently, and make good choices.
In addition to these six social skills, expectations for all common areas in the school have been created.
These expectations are taught and reinforced consistently starting on the first day of school.
We use the following Love and Logic Essential Skills to assist with addressing and managing behaviors:
o Build relationships
o Use empathy and provide choices (that you can live with)
o Neutralize the Arguing
o Use enforceable statements
o Use delayed consequences
Students can receive an office referral for serious or persistent misbehavior. In these instances, your child’s teacher will work with a campus administrator who will determine an appropriate consequence. Parent contact will be made by phone and/or letter. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct in the SBISD Elementary Student/Parent Handbook for additional information about SBISD's discipline guidelines.