Terrace PTA
You are invited to join Terrace PTA!
What is TCE PTA?
Parent Teacher Association. PTA is a partnership between parents and educators who strive to enhance student learning and enrich the lives of the students within the school. It is also a forum for parents to gain knowledge and voice their opinions about what is happening at TCE. With Covid19, connection is even more important than before. PTA is an inclusive community for everyone.
Why join?
PTA is an investment in YOUR CHILD. PTA membership and dues support your child by funding essential educational and curriculum needs on behalf of children and educators. PTA helps create COMMUNITY by connecting all families with each other and with Terrace.
Who can join?
EVERYONE can join – parents, caregivers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, alumni and anyone in the community willing to support Terrace.
How to join?
· Go to our PTA Website at www.bit.ly/TerracePTA
· Create an account and join online (preferred).
· Or, return a completed PTA Membership Form and return it to TCE front office. Credit card payments can be made through the TCE PTA website.
Memberships are ONLY $10.00 per person. Your dues grant you full membership in the PTA and access to the TCE PTA Website. The website will have lots of information regarding upcoming events and opportunities at TCE.
Questions? Email terraceelempta@gmail.com